Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Week 7: Wikis

Okay, I think I should receive my "Wiki" bling for no other reason than the fact that I was one of the "stars" of "As the Wiki Turns". That experience truly made me step outside my comfort zone. However, it was kind of fun.

After reading more about Wikis, I can see how beneficial they are but can also see their shortcomings. I don't like how anyone can change the content of Wikis and can add inacurate information. I think we already have enough inacurate information on the world wide web. I did visit the iHCPL Wiki and added my blog to the favorite blog list. Although I didn't add any other favorites, I especially liked the favorite music and favorite vacation spots wikis.

I was less than enthused about the "23 Things" when we first got started because I tend to be a "technophobe". However, once I got into it, I realized I don't have to excel at everything but just focus on the things that most interest me. I really like "Library Thing" and "Blogging" because though they are "technical", they are also easy, convenient and fun.

Grace and Linda, I'm on a roll. On to Week 8.

1 comment:

Literature Girl said...


Great performance in "As the Wiki Turns". You and Diane did a GREAT job!!!